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Half Term At Olive Bee-ranch

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This week across much of England, it was half term and at Olive Branch, we wanted to provide some activities for our young people and their families over the holiday.

So, on Wednesday we had a double bill of our Garden Club and a Bee Creative Event!

Everyone gathered in the Olive Branch garden at 10:30 and despite the somewhat soggy conditions, a good time was had by all.


Two toddlers in puddle suits playing in the rain and puddles


The young people continued the build of our bug hotel and learned how to use stones to help insects out of water when they get stuck.

The rest of the morning was spent planting and labelling some small plants, before drying off inside with some lunch.

"It was such a privilege to watch the children not give a jot about the weather and just have fun!"

The Olive Branch young people, carers and staff planting in the garden

Bee Creative

In the afternoon our Bee Creative session got everyone buzzing (sorry…) with a ‘Did You Know?’ video about bees created by the Olive Branch team.


Leonie from Olive Branch getting the young people ready for the Bee Creative session


After being suitably inspired by plenty of bee facts, the group got creative making some wooden bumblebees, bee decorations, ceramic flowerpots, bee houses, and last but by no means least, bumblebee pom pom kits.

the bee tree


The day was rounded off with honey tasting, and testing honey from all over the world, delicious!

Gabi, the Olive Branch Registered Manager said:

 “It was amazing what was achieved in just a day. Learning for not just our prospective carers, but for our young people indoors and out.  It was such a privilege to watch the children not give a jot about the weather and just have fun!“

For more information about fostering in the North West, you can contact us on 01706 558910.